Our server runs solely on donations we receive from our players. Of course there are some things we give the those that support our server, except for a working public Minecraft server.
There's a simple bar showing how much money we've received this month, saying how far we are from having enough money to pay for the server. We also don't accept donations above $150.
Monthly progress so far...
You want to donate $
You want to donate $
You will receive:
- < 9name on the list, advanced ping command
- 10 - 19golden name
- 20 >reserved slot, the option to change in-game text color
Who are you?
We just need your Minecraft username:
Okay, now click the button to verify the information.
All set!
You are going to donate $30 under the Minecraft username Anonymous.
Click the Donate button to make a one-time donation. Click the Subscribe button to set up a recurring montly donation.