List of donators
Here's a nice list of all our lovely donators! It's ordered by total donation amount... it's like a highscore list!
XL donators
These players have donated more than one hundred dollars to Miner Apocalypse! Thank you so much!
- Nichiatu
- Zemonade
- littggr
- alonealot
- LaugeGregers
- Boelens
- David_Mcnasty
- Otoryuo
- justinroiland
- albion118
- whoreos
- Paxonian
Large donators
These are the players that have donated over fifty dollars! You're the best!
- lumispawn
- dodald
- Magistrux
- gojirasan2
- drdoodoo
- DrBabil
- Roselle
- JackMcComiskey
- Fulkth
- russianspyheller
- Chainsawfire
- thekemkid
Medium donators
The medium donators are those who gave us more than twenty dollars. Thanks for the support!
- PrivilegedLizard
- dontblinkxx
- Prohibited
- Wolomago
- Tuskinton
- samhartley785
- PeterFabinski
- murader
- MayorPig
- Maganmash
- loveable_rogue
- iSeven
- Decro
- Cathonic
- Authsauce
- llehsadam
- Velociriker
- TjPshine
- Titanium_Oxide
- tayler1986
- stinger1030
- spiderslayer12
- Spackle_Box
- seaqlo
- Renkie_
- PrahsNimsay
- PeterBryson91
- MJoubes
- LondoSquad
- kparker84
- kennedmosher
- KahOD
- Ipsa_88
- infinate60
- hobo11297
- Hachipup
- DulcetDove
- Dan1737
- Brodwick
- benjyromig
- AmsMickler1
- Albion
- 3scape7heLake
- HypnoSloth
- xX_Nois
- stasguy
- MetroidPulse
- ForerunnerSniper
- ck314
- Bunk3rk1ng
- AssassinzGhost
- _Duncan
- Zargo3030
- ZachChapman
- WindJackal
- WillKey
- Vain17
- UndeadRebel2195
- ukeman13
- Twitchingtons
- TheNinjaTramp
- Stroggynuget
- spydrodeth
- Sphiinxy
- solkim
- Skeptical1900
- sjapsie
- Sebossa
- phoe2121
- Nou_Latte
- neocatzeo
- MrOattee
- MrCubeman
- MinerFix
- MichelleMC
- maxthelion
- lolallie
- logosolos
- Locust507
- Kithara
- KinArt
- Kieran_Jones
- keens
- jawiki
- jaffy_cakes
- Irlihk
- IrishGenius
- IjcsixI
- hosendud
- hokiefan240
- hipsterkatten
- harryjenn2001
- Halophilus
- Hairyhoof
- great_daemon
- GreasyGraveler
- GoatHammock
- Flaming_Spazz
- evilbeavrr
- event
- Elenarilfara
- Eebel
- Easybacon
- draketoto
- docluxavie
- Devilissa
- Dangasmic
- CrossfireCZP
- cooke1623
- Caiggas
- Cadhlaureen
- Bravado2
- bostonT
- Avalokitesvara
- AFlyingNunAttack
- 10gollem10
- schneiderwm
- BobtheBurrito
- Zronyx
- Tiijs
- snippert
- Pizzarony
- Mariianne
- loveandpolitics
- LiamMichalski
- Lapitz
- cel1
- atticadayz
- lfshammu
- Jackim
Small donators
This is the list with players who donated over ten dollars. Lovely people, you are!
- Hazmus
- weirddemon
- warezthebeef
- TreeGhost
- SgtSprout
- rickumali
- rezaman89
- RearBrownExit
- pixelseverywhere
- Ozzy
- norman342
- noahtholte
- mechaforce
- md9547
- MadQueenMargaret
- kmason1988
- JohnParsons
- Ishkabibb1e
- Ignorantsloth
- goo_Machine
- enticeing
- dissingp
- CUB3
- Cab00se502
- BunnyOfFaith
- AnticPosition
- RomanSoulfire
- spoot85
- Racso_
- averagestalker
- _Moota_
- _Mabo
- _Jackie_1
- _b3n
- Zinjanth
- zeanyboi
- Xrm4
- venompgo
- Tunter
- Tunnel_Snakes
- TooGoodForYou999
- Tonis015
- TheTarcin
- thebach1116
- tehjak3
- super_fuzzy
- StumpyGoblin
- Strafy
- stormzend
- StormvOlt
- Stingraid
- spikethebike
- Sphii
- Speedemon44
- SorrowfulDuck
- Soleil_Rouge
- Siriann
- Shyruin
- rouge_shooter
- RedAwsomeness
- RainbowGarbage
- QuinIan1
- psychonaut
- Psdaly
- NTBG_Titch
- NovaWolfox
- NinjaCubed
- MsDuchess
- MasterZebra
- Mastersturm
- Majoosa
- linusaccount
- lauraflynn
- JMaboard
- hello2ulol
- Harhardee
- GummyMix
- GM_Pulsar
- Furzellewen
- FlonZ
- flameswy
- Fingfingfing
- fencefry
- ethan_brackman
- eroind
- EdibleZebra
- duack
- downfall101
- DanielMG
- CupCookies
- CrimsonLife
- chives90
- CeciliaYi
- Castelak
- butterofpeanuts
- BrambleBeard
- BodaciousBuzzard
- bitflash
- Bioterrorism
- Begend
- Baz621
- arpage1
- AcesOver
- Rawem
- franknbrry
- TotempaaltJ
- tom_owen
- Stalin56
Other donators
All donators who don't fall in the above categories. Don't think that we love you less: every penny counts!
- ZephanLOL
- qwertypolak
- Jsepr
- Jmek
- _Rocky_
- verbatimeagle
- Paul707
- nmyoungblood
- xsarin
- veritas96
- TWalla
- stevepoppers
- staplegun96
- SlenderEater
- Nonthrot
- Minyo
- mikedipi
- markd4296
- kingsnivy000
- Kairoga
- jameshitchcock
- geg13
- farkle8065
- Dangercupcake
- Creeper_Jelly
- Bob_Smith
- SaintWombat